During Covid-19 driving schools accross the country have been facing extreme circumstances both financial and medical. Here are some tips on how to keep your staff and students safe and healthy. Follow CDC guidelines on social distancing and provide your staff and students neeeded PPE (personal protetive equipment) like gloves, masks and face shields. Ask instructores to clean all major interior surfaces that student may have touched. Implement the contact-less signatures so that instructors dont have to excanges paper or pens.
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We have started implementation of the new user interface and new controls components from MobileScroll. New components were extremly easy to implement and are fully responsive. Our team has been able to custom modify and adapt the controls to fit our UI/UX design approach. Our main implementation was related to date/time pickers and calendars, but the other compontnts like list views and cards. Any software dev company should look at this. The product is AMAZING! As a customer you will now be able to experience new and easier ways of date and time selection.
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